
There are so many audio speakers in the market but most of them are restricted/limited in functionality or not open to modify them. In nearly all appartments and rooms are plants or artificial plants. Why not combining both?

(The project name is a modification of the german word for plant)


A pot with an insert for different speakers and electronics. The optional front element can host a camera. On top an artificial plant of a big Swedish furniture company...


All Open Source!
Bluetooth A2DP, DLNA/UPnP, AirPlay, Snapcast, Spotify Connect (only with premium account) and a webcam streamer.

  • Spotify Connect
  • Bluetooth
  • Webcam


This is a purely private, non-commercial project.

The design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License


Information how to set it up and which parts are needed can be found on Github .
Files and instructions for printing the mechanical parts are available on Prusaprinters and Thingiverse.